Sustainable future

We have a strong focus on sustainable development and how our actions will affect the environment. 

One of the most important areas in which FBF – a distributor of steel flanges, pipes and fittings – can make the difference is in its choice for partners. In order to reduce our carbon footprint to a minimum, we source all possible materials within Europe. Moreover, our manufacturers are making massive investments to reduce their CO2 output. The steel we deliver to our customers today is much greener than ever before.


Furthermore, we have made important green investments for our warehouses in Belgium and France. This year, we increased our share of sustainable energy through significant investments in solar panels and heat pumps. By mid 2025, we aim to be completely independent from gas. Also, using solar energy, the installation of extra charging stations power our electric cars. Our goal, also by mid 2025, is to have a 100% electric car fleet in Belgium.


These are a few of the steps we have made, setting new standards for ourselves working towards our greener future. The investments illustrate our sustainability policy across our company and its supply chain.



Further expanding our stock in pipes


Investering stock buizen FBF Wilrijk